Part 21: Invasion
Part 19: Invasion

: Wolfgang!

: Wein? Your advice aided my...persuasion of Rottenbaum and Schwarzfals to go exceedingly well.

: Good.

: Oh! The people of Agriss Village asked me to give this to you.
(This item opens up a section in the extra menu that lets you listen to music from the game, including the opening to the Japanese version of the game)

: Yes, because we were inside when it happened.

: Then do you know what caused it?

: There was a battle with Gevas inside. He was trying to return to destroy humanity. After a long battle, we defeated him, and that's when the tower came down again.

: I'm sure the battle wore you down, but this is not the time to rest. We must continue moving on all fronts, or we will lose what we have gained.

: So, what is our next assignment?

: Understood.

: For details of the operation, ask the field commander there.
(Nowhere else to go but there anyway)
(We're able to go to Schwarzfals and stay at the inn, but their item shops aren't open for us to use yet. Heading to the space north of there, however...)
Mercenary 3: What
can we do? Our choices are limited...

: What's wrong?
Mercenary: Wein! You came just in time! We were fighting just ahead, but the enemy was far too strong, so we...

: Burnstein mounted a strong attack? How many were they?

Mercenary: I know you think I'm joking, but it's true! That one person killed nearly all the advance guard on our side!

: Understood. We'll check it out. You stay back and reorganize the remaining troops...
Mercenary: Yes, sir!
Mercenary: Yes, they've fallen back, we're the only ones left.
Mercenary 2: Then we should retreat as well.
Mercenary: Well, we were, uh...hoping...

: Is everyone all right?
Mercenary: Thank god you've come!

: Just you? What happened to the others?
Mercenary 2: They were all defeated further ahead. We're the only ones left.

: Mr. Stringjeans here is causing all the trouble?

: If you doubt that, step forward and test my blade.

: Lyell...

: I cannot stand idle and allow Burnstein to fall. However, I promise to make your deaths quick.
Dailymotion |
(This mission looks easy since it's five against one. However, Lyell is level 32, and unless you've been doing a TON of grinding, your party is nowhere near there. He also likes to dodge and block most of your attacks, and he has a ton of HP. He's equipped with a Lv6 Hyper-Attack, giving him two strikes, so his attacks do a total of around 120 damage without Shield up.
All of that makes this the only time in the game where you see how badass an Imperial Knight can be.
Xenos is actually used as a tank here to keep Lyell distracted and not hitting the rest of the party. Wein and Patrick cure, though Patrick's low MP makes him useless after a short while, Hans keeps nailing him with attacks, and Arieta casts Wind Capacitator in preparation for later in the battle, because when you've done enough damage to Lyell...)

: Ernest Lyell...what have you gotten yourself into?

: I think that's obvious...don't toy with me...we're on the same side!

: Correction. We
were on the same side, until you turned traitor. But, I suppose when an Imperial Knight finds a criminal, he is honor bound to bring him in safely.

: ...

: Oh, come now, Ernest...have you completely lost your sense of humor? I couldn't stand idly by while my friend fought hard for the kingdom that disowned him!

: That sounds like the Kenshin I knew...

: You're telling me to retreat?

: Considering your injuries, that would be the wise course of action.

: I see your point.
(At this point, he'll start to run away. This is where a well-placed Wind Capacitator helps, because at level 9 with Strengthen Magic, it can do over 100 damage. It also helps for when Lyell is defeated...)

: Ernest!

: It's...nothing. Just a scratch...

: If anything happened to you, there would be no point in my coming to save you! You must consider retreat.

: All right...for you.
(And now Reaves starts to run. For Complete, you have to kill both of them. Luckily, Reaves is a LOT weaker than Lyell. I set up that nice Wind Capacitator, and he gets killed before he can step in it and prove how useful it is. It is possible to clear this mission with the standard equipment you can buy, but it takes a lot of luck to get enough hits.)

: They retreated...

: That's the last of the Burnstein troops in this area, then.

: Whoohoo! Victory here we come!

: [Gasp!]

: What's the matter?

: Arieta...

: I don't like war...It's so cruel.

: I know...and neither do I. I'm sorry for involving you in all this. But war was the only way for the mercenaries to carve out a place for themselves.

: I know. And that's why they desperately need peace...more than ever.

: Well...
(Schwarzfals shops are open to us now, and we can also visit that injured man in the inn)
(Picking this opens up a different version of the endgame bonus battle. Poor Wein.)

: How is the battle progressing?
Simon: We've surrounded Starkberg, so it's going well, but so far we have not been able to take the city. Strategically, we're nearly an even match. We just need a little edge to take it.

: With us this close to the capital, I'm sure they're fighting like rabid Yungs!

: They know that a defeat here will be the deciding factor in the war for independence.
Simon: We just have to find that small advantage that will tip the battle in our favor, then...

: I have a plan to make that happen. We'll slip inside and cause confusion in their ranks.

: I grew up around Starkberg, so I know it down to the last alley and back door!

: All right, Hans. We'll follow your lead. Once you observe the ranks in a confused state, overwhelm them.
Simon: Check.

: Shhh! This way...

: Hey! Who's there?!

: Sneaking in the dark alleys like the rat you are!

: Uh oh! We've been spotted! Retreat!

: Easier said than done. You didn't think we waited alone, did you?

: They were waiting for's a trap!

: I'll not let you take over my father's city!

: What now, Wein? Do we retreat or fight?

: We don't have a choice. Retreat would be a bloodbath. We have to fight. If we can't defeat them all, defeating Charlone and Riviera should be enough to cause the others to scatter.

: I hope you're right...for our sake.
Dailymotion |
(Of course for Complete, you have to defeat everyone. Since we were trapped, we're spread out in a bad way, especially with Arieta next to that spearman, and there's an archer and mage at the top left corner of the map sniping.
Charlone and Riviera aren't that bad, they just have a little higher HP than the rest. That isn't saying much, as Riviera is a squishy wizard and Charlone will probably only get one attack off because of her horrible speed. Since they're important characters, they have stuff to say during the battle.)

: I'm not going to make excuses. It was just time that I was honest with myself.

: You've made your choice then. I have no pity left for you.

: Hey, I didn't follow him blindly. I believe in this cause! We're not just fighting for mercenary independence, but independence for everyone!

: Riviera!

: Charlone...this was a mistake!

: Go, quickly! I'll hold them back!

: I...I'm sorry...

: Charlo...are you

: What?!

: I know the truth. Haha. You're just mad that Wein didn't bring you with him.

: S...silence...runt!

: Don't count on mercy when next we meet!

: Dyah!
Burnstein Soldier 3: Ahhh!
Burnstein Soldier 7: Damn it! They're too strong! Fall back and reorganize!

: Hah, hah, hah...morons.

: Wolfgang, you've done a splendid job driving off that squad in such a short time!

: I don't need flattery. We need to stay focused on the capital. Soon, Starkberg will fall to Wein, and the way will be open. Our two-pronged assault cannot fail!

: Yes, of course, sir!

: What happened to the rest of their squad?
Simon: They retreated toward the capital. We also received a missive that said Wolfgang will be leading the attack from the direction of Clain.

: Right...the two-pronged attack. We must begin at once to keep the element of surprise.

: Exactly. We need to head east as quickly as possible. Simon, you finish up here.
Simon: Yes, sir. Good luck...and, be careful!
(Shouldn't be too hard to take the capital with the luck we've been having!)
Next update: The fall of Burnstein...hopefully